About the Journal

Focus and Scope

«Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell’Officina San Francesco Bologna» features articles in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish exploring issues related to the arts, literature, music and cultural history, including as they relate to the Franciscan tradition of valuing the person.

Section Policies


Submissions welcome / Peer Reviewed

Opinion pages and notes

Submissions welcome / Not Peer Reviewed

Activities of the Officina San Francesco

Not accepting submissions / Not Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

«Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell’Officina San Francesco Bologna» employs double-blind peer review. On receiving the article, the Editorial team will assess whether the submission is eligible for review. As part of the initial quality assessment, each article will undergo plagiarism detection through iThenticate. If so, the proposed article is sent to two external Reviewers in an anonymous format. After receiving the Reviewers’ opinions, the Editors may opt for one of the following:

  1. the submission is rejected;

  2. the submission may be accepted after making the changes suggested by the Reviewers. In this case, the Author will have the opportunity to re-submit the paper, taking into account the comments of the Reviewers. If the requested changes are substantial, the new version of the text may be sent anonymously to the Reviewers for further evaluation and potential final approval;

  3. the submission is accepted as-is and can be published in its current form.

In all cases, the Authors will be receive a copy of the Reviewers’ comments.

The entire review process will take not longer than six months.

Publication Frequency

The Journal publishes one issue per year.

Open access policy

This Journal provides immediate open access to its content, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

It releases its articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy the contributions. The works must be properly attributed to their Author(s). It is not necessary to ask further permissions of either the Author(s) or the Journal board, although you are kindly requested to inform the Journal about every reuse of the papers.

Authors who publish in this Journal maintain the copyrights.

Authors are welcome to post final draft post-refereeing (postprint) on a personal website, a collaborative wiki, departmental website, social media websites, institutional repository or non-commercial subject-based repositories.

Publication Fees

The Journal has neither article processing charges nor submission processing fees.

Code of Conduct

Duties for the Editorial Team

The Journal’s Editorial team is responsible for selecting and publishing the articles submitted to it, and is committed to ensuring the academic quality of the texts that are published. The Editorial team acts according to existing legal provisions regarding libel, copyright violation and plagiarism, and has a duty to act as proscribed by intellectual property legislation if they suspect misconduct or any other abuse on the part of Authors. The decision of the Editorial team as to accept or reject a paper for publication in the Journal is based on the relevance and originality of the subject and is guided by the reviews of suitably qualified Reviewers. The Editorial team commits to selecting Reviewers in an appropriate manner and strives to ensure that peer review at the Journal is fair, unbiased and timely. The Editorial team evaluates manuscripts in terms of their intellectual content without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origins, citizenship, or political philosophy of the Authors. A description of the peer review process can be found at https://artes.unibo.it/about#peerReviewProcess. The Editorial team adopts a single blind peer-review protocol to ensure that any material submitted to the Journal remains confidential while under review; at the end of the process, the Reviewers’ assessments are communicated to the Authors. The Editorial team strives to ensure that articles are published in an open access format and freely available to all interested readers. Permanent identification with DOI and NBN codes and an archivization policy guarantee the monitoring and preservation of articles over time.

Duties for Authors

Authors are responsible for the articles they submit: they must assure the originality of their work, being aware of the consequences of misconduct.

Authors should always acknowledge their sources and provide relevant citation details for all publications that have influenced their work. Authors are asked to follow the Author’s Guidelines https://artes.unibo.it/about/submissions#authorGuidelines published by the Journal; they must therefore guarantee not only the completeness and clarity of the article’s argumentative structure, but also the thorough editing of the text. Authors are responsible for promptly notifying the Editors is there is any significant error in their texts, whether published or unpublished. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal for review should not be submitted to any other journal for the purpose of publication.

Duties for Reviewers

Reviewers are provided guidance on everything that is expected of them; they are informed by the Editorial team about the need to handle submitted material in a confidential manner. Reviewers are encouraged to comment on the approach, clarity of presentation, originality, effectiveness of the organization, and scientific methodology of the submission. Reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicting interests they might perceive before agreeing to review a submission and during the reviewing process. Reviewers will alert the Editorial team regarding intellectual property issues and plagiarism and work to handle potential breaches of intellectual property laws and conventions.

Handling of errors and misconducts

The Editors will act promptly in case of errors and misconduct, both proven and alleged. In cases such as errors in articles or in the publication process, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, appropriate steps will be taken in keeping with the recommendations, guidelines and checklists provided by COPE. These include the publication of an erratum (for errors stemming from the publication process), corrigendum (for errors from the Author(s)) or, in the most serious cases, the retraction of the affected work.

Archiving Policy

The University of Bologna has an archival arrangement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome as part of the national project Magazzini Digitali: http://www.depositolegale.it/editori-aderenti/


Dipartimento delle Arti – DAR

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
via Barberia 4
40123 - Bologna (Italy)


Journal collaborators include the University of Bologna’s Dipartimento di Filologia classica e Italianistica and the Officina San Francesco Bologna.